Lecture 5 - January 13th, 2017
Notes provide by a kind classmate :D
Algorithms and Flowcharts
- Rectangle -> Process
- Rhombus -> Data (Input or Output)
- Diamond -> Decision
- Rounded Rectanlge -> Start and Stop
Ex. Making a flowchart for collatz conjecture
Ex. A flowchart to calculate avg. of grades of student of Turing
Ex. To print a phone number corresponding to given name or else print "no such name"
Lecture 6 - January 17th, 2017
Modulo: The remainder after dividing.
Question: Determine if a year is a leap year
Step1 Input integer year
Step2 if year modulo 4 is 0 do Step3-9
Step3 if year modulo 100 is 0 do Step4-7
Step4 if year modulo 400 is 0 do Step5
Step5 is_leap_year=True
Step6 else do Step7
Step7 is_leap_year=False
Step8 else do Step9
Step9 is_leap_year=True
Step10 else do Step11
Step11 is_year_leap=False
Step12 return is_leap_year