Databases and Pseudocode

Lecture 2 - January 6th, 2017

  • Motivating Example:
    • CSC 106 - Keeping Records of Grades
    • Goal: How to work with this Data
  • Pseudocode -> Logic writing on your code.
  • Algorithm -> Sets of steps

Table 1:

stud_id stud_name course_name crn prof_name grade
101 Joe Smith CSC 106 23456 Turing 80
111 John Jackson CSC 106 23456 Turing 45
145 Al Green CSC 106 23456 Turing 66
301 Meg Lyon CSC 106 23457 Jobs 79
200 Jane McKenzie CSC 106 23457 Jobs 83

Solution For: The above question

total = 0
count = 0
i = 1

while i =< total # rows in table
    total = total + grade in row i
    count = count + 1
    i = i + 1

average = total / count

Solution For: Keeping track of grades for a specific teacher

total = 0
count = 0 
i = 1

while i =< total # rows in table
    if prof-name of row i = Turing
        total = toal + grade in row i
        count = count + 1
    i = i + 1

average = total / count

Solution For: Inserting a new grade in the table


i = # rows in table + 1

stud_id for row i = 313
stud_name for row i = Steve Cook
course_name for row i = CSC 106 (Too much info)
CRN for row i = 23456
prof-name for row i = Turing (Too much info - CRN is all mighty)
grade for row i = 91


i = # rows in grades table + 1

stud_id for row i = 313
stud_name for row i = Steve Cook
CRN for row i = 23456
grade for row i = 91

NOTE: The question now has two tables to work with instead of one.

Table 1: Courses

course crn prof_name
CSC 106 23456 Turing
CSC 106 23457 Jobs

Table 2: Grades

stud_id stud_name crn grade
101 Joe Smith 23456 80
111 John Jackson 23456 45
145 Al Green 23456 66
301 Meg Lyon 23457 79
200 Jane McKenzie 23457 83

Solution For: Calculating the average for students in class with CRN 23457

total = 0
count = 0
i = 1

while i =< total # of rows in grades tables
    if crn in row i is 23457
        total = total + grade in row i
        count = count + 1
    i + i + 1
average = total / count

Solution For: Calculating a better average

if  count = 0 
    average = 0
    average = total/count

Solution For: Table Case: Inserting a new grade into two tables

if input crn is not in classes table 
    return error
    stud_id for row i = 313
    stud_name = Steve Cook
    crn = 23456
    grade = 91

Solution For: Calculating the average grade for classes that Turing teaches

total = 0 
count = 0
j = 1 (Index into classes table)

while j =< # rows in classes table 
    if row j of classes tables has prof_name = Turing
        my_crn = crn in j of classes table

        i = 1
        while i =< #rows in grades table
            if crn for row i of grades table  = my_crn
                table = total + grade in row i of grades table
                count = count + 1
            i = i + 1
    j = j + 1

Lecture 3 - January 10th, 2017

Trace Through Code


Step1 - total=0
Step2 - count=0
Step3 - i=1
Step4 - while i <= # rows in table, repeat steps 5 through 8
Step5 -     if prof_name of row i equals Turing, do line 6 and 7 
Step6 -         total = total + grade in row i
Step7 -         count = count + 1
Step8 -     i=i+1
Step9 - average = total / count

Table 1:

stud_id stud_name course_name crn prof_name grade
111 John Jackson CSC 106 23456 Turing 45
200 Jane McKenzie CSC 106 23457 Jobs 83
342 Patricia Dune CSC 106 23456 Turing 94
301 Meg Lyon CSC 106 23457 Jobs 79


#rows = 4

Average = 139/2 = 69.5

Write pseudocode that calculates the maximum grade for a student in class with crn = 23456

Trace Through Code


Step1 - max=-1
Step2 - i=1
Step3 - while i <= # rows in table, repeat steps 4 through 7
Step4 -     if crn of row i equals 23456, do line 5 and 6 
Step5 -         if max < grade in row i do line 6
Step6 -             max = grade in row i 
Step7 -     i=i+1


stud_id stud_name course_name crn prof_name grade
111 John Jackson CSC 106 23456 Turing 45
200 Jane McKenzie CSC 106 23457 Jobs 83
342 Patricia Dune CSC 106 23456 Turing 94
301 Meg Lyon CSC 106 23457 Jobs 79




Sql is a structured query language.


A database is a collection of tables.

Install SqLite3

brew install sqlite

Start by making a blank table:

create table grades( stud_id int, stud_name text, course_name text, crn int, prof_name text, grade int);

Note: Order of values must match the order of the columns when you created the table.


A query is a select statement that tells the computer what columms the result should have.


Select stud_name, grade 
from grades;

Returns --> Table 1: Grades

stud_name grade
name 56
name 78


Select avg(grade)
From grades;

Returns --> Table 1: Average

| avg(grade) | | ------------:| | 72.8 |


select max(grade)
from grades;

Returns --> Table 1: Max

| max | | :----:| | 94 |


Select stud_name, grade, crn 
from grades
where crn = 23456;

Returns --> Table 1: Grades

stud_name grade crn
Joe Smith 80 23456
John Jacks 45 23456
Al Green 66 23456
Greg Black 60 23456
Patricia D 94 23456


Select stud_name, grade 
from grades
where prof_name = “Jobs”;

Note: text must be surrended by quotes.

Returns --> Table 1: Grades

stud_name grade
Meg Lyon 79
Jane McKen 83
Richard Fe 70
Paul Shelb 66
John Jacks 85

You should know

  • How to step through pseudocode
  • How to write some simple SQL queries using: – avg, max, where

Lecture 4 - January 11th, 2017

Select * is shorthand for “select all of the columns of the table”.

* can be viewed as a wild card.

select * from grades where crn = 23456 and grade > 50;

select count(*) will return the number of rows returned. (Important for assignment 1).

select * from grades order by stud_name; will order the entries.

select * from grades order by grade desc; will sort by descending order.

Question: Create a list of student names for Turing’s class, ordered by name?

select stud_name from grades where prof_name = Turing order by stud_name;

You should know

  • How to step through pseudocode
  • How to write some simple SQL queries using:
    • avg
    • max
    • where
    • select *
    • select count(*)
    • order by

More Pseudocode Practice

Question: Write a query to print phone number of a person if it exists in the table

input: name_in holds the name we look for

name number
Joe 472-5700
Leo 472-5702
Sara 472-5701
Step1 i=1
Step2 found=NO
Step3 while i =< #rows in table do Step4-7
Step4   if name in row i is name_in do Step5&6
Step5       print number in row i
Step6       found=YES
Step7   i= i+1
Step8 if found = NO do Step9
Step9   print "no such person in directory."

Inefficiency, if you find the name and it's the first one in the table, the while loop will still run.

Step1 i=1
Step2 found=NO
Step3 while i =< #rows in table AND found = NO do Step4-7
Step4   if name in row i is name_in do Step5&6
Step5       print number in row i
Step6       found=YES
Step7   i= i+1
Step8 if found = NO do Step9
Step9   print "no such person in directory."


name_in = "Leo"
found = NO
rows# = 3
i = 2
found = YES

i = 3
Exit while loop

select number from phone_numbers where name = "Leo"; - will be the query.

Collatz Conjecture

  1. Pick a number.
    • If it’s even, divide by two
    • If odd multiply by three and add one
  2. Repeat
  3. Stop if the number is 1

Question: Write this in Pseudocode

Bonus: Of Interest

  • No one knows if there’s a number for which the collatz conjecture will not terminate
  • Has been checked for all numbers up to 260 – All of which do terminate at 1
inpurt num+in (number to test)
if num_in < 1
    print "error, bad number" Exit 

cur_num = num_in
    while cur_num is not 1
        if cur_num is even do 
            divide by 2
        else if cur_num is odd do 
            cur_num X 3 + 1
num_in = 4
cur_num = 4

cur_num = 2

cur_num = 1

Exit while loop
num_in = 5
cur_num = 5

cur_num = 16

cur_num = 8

cur_num = 4

cur_num = 2

cur_num = 1

Exit while loop
