Databases and Pseudocode
Lecture 2 - January 6th, 2017
- Motivating Example:
- CSC 106 - Keeping Records of Grades
- Goal: How to work with this Data
- Pseudocode -> Logic writing on your code.
- Algorithm -> Sets of steps
Table 1:
stud_id | stud_name | course_name | crn | prof_name | grade |
101 | Joe Smith | CSC 106 | 23456 | Turing | 80 |
111 | John Jackson | CSC 106 | 23456 | Turing | 45 |
145 | Al Green | CSC 106 | 23456 | Turing | 66 |
301 | Meg Lyon | CSC 106 | 23457 | Jobs | 79 |
200 | Jane McKenzie | CSC 106 | 23457 | Jobs | 83 |
Solution For: The above question
total = 0
count = 0
i = 1
while i =< total # rows in table
total = total + grade in row i
count = count + 1
i = i + 1
average = total / count
Solution For: Keeping track of grades for a specific teacher
total = 0
count = 0
i = 1
while i =< total # rows in table
if prof-name of row i = Turing
total = toal + grade in row i
count = count + 1
i = i + 1
average = total / count
Solution For: Inserting a new grade in the table
i = # rows in table + 1
stud_id for row i = 313
stud_name for row i = Steve Cook
course_name for row i = CSC 106 (Too much info)
CRN for row i = 23456
prof-name for row i = Turing (Too much info - CRN is all mighty)
grade for row i = 91
i = # rows in grades table + 1
stud_id for row i = 313
stud_name for row i = Steve Cook
CRN for row i = 23456
grade for row i = 91
NOTE: The question now has two tables to work with instead of one.
Table 1: Courses
course | crn | prof_name |
CSC 106 | 23456 | Turing |
CSC 106 | 23457 | Jobs |
Table 2: Grades
stud_id | stud_name | crn | grade |
101 | Joe Smith | 23456 | 80 |
111 | John Jackson | 23456 | 45 |
145 | Al Green | 23456 | 66 |
301 | Meg Lyon | 23457 | 79 |
200 | Jane McKenzie | 23457 | 83 |
Solution For: Calculating the average for students in class with CRN 23457
total = 0
count = 0
i = 1
while i =< total # of rows in grades tables
if crn in row i is 23457
total = total + grade in row i
count = count + 1
i + i + 1
average = total / count
Solution For: Calculating a better average
if count = 0
average = 0
average = total/count
Solution For: Table Case: Inserting a new grade into two tables
if input crn is not in classes table
return error
stud_id for row i = 313
stud_name = Steve Cook
crn = 23456
grade = 91
Solution For: Calculating the average grade for classes that Turing teaches
total = 0
count = 0
j = 1 (Index into classes table)
while j =< # rows in classes table
if row j of classes tables has prof_name = Turing
my_crn = crn in j of classes table
i = 1
while i =< #rows in grades table
if crn for row i of grades table = my_crn
table = total + grade in row i of grades table
count = count + 1
i = i + 1
j = j + 1
Lecture 3 - January 10th, 2017
Trace Through Code
Step1 - total=0
Step2 - count=0
Step3 - i=1
Step4 - while i <= # rows in table, repeat steps 5 through 8
Step5 - if prof_name of row i equals Turing, do line 6 and 7
Step6 - total = total + grade in row i
Step7 - count = count + 1
Step8 - i=i+1
Step9 - average = total / count
Table 1:
stud_id | stud_name | course_name | crn | prof_name | grade |
111 | John Jackson | CSC 106 | 23456 | Turing | 45 |
200 | Jane McKenzie | CSC 106 | 23457 | Jobs | 83 |
342 | Patricia Dune | CSC 106 | 23456 | Turing | 94 |
301 | Meg Lyon | CSC 106 | 23457 | Jobs | 79 |
#rows = 4
Average = 139/2 = 69.5
Write pseudocode that calculates the maximum grade for a student in class with crn = 23456
Trace Through Code
Step1 - max=-1
Step2 - i=1
Step3 - while i <= # rows in table, repeat steps 4 through 7
Step4 - if crn of row i equals 23456, do line 5 and 6
Step5 - if max < grade in row i do line 6
Step6 - max = grade in row i
Step7 - i=i+1
stud_id | stud_name | course_name | crn | prof_name | grade |
111 | John Jackson | CSC 106 | 23456 | Turing | 45 |
200 | Jane McKenzie | CSC 106 | 23457 | Jobs | 83 |
342 | Patricia Dune | CSC 106 | 23456 | Turing | 94 |
301 | Meg Lyon | CSC 106 | 23457 | Jobs | 79 |
Sql is a structured query language.
A database is a collection of tables.
Install SqLite3
brew install sqlite
Start by making a blank table:
create table grades( stud_id int, stud_name text, course_name text, crn int, prof_name text, grade int);
Note: Order of values must match the order of the columns when you created the table.
A query is a select statement that tells the computer what columms the result should have.
Select stud_name, grade
from grades;
Returns --> Table 1: Grades
stud_name | grade |
name | 56 |
name | 78 |
Select avg(grade)
From grades;
Returns --> Table 1: Average
| avg(grade) | | ------------:| | 72.8 |
select max(grade)
from grades;
Returns --> Table 1: Max
| max | | :----:| | 94 |
Select stud_name, grade, crn
from grades
where crn = 23456;
Returns --> Table 1: Grades
stud_name | grade | crn |
Joe Smith | 80 | 23456 |
John Jacks | 45 | 23456 |
Al Green | 66 | 23456 |
Greg Black | 60 | 23456 |
Patricia D | 94 | 23456 |
Select stud_name, grade
from grades
where prof_name = “Jobs”;
Note: text must be surrended by quotes.
Returns --> Table 1: Grades
stud_name | grade |
Meg Lyon | 79 |
Jane McKen | 83 |
Richard Fe | 70 |
Paul Shelb | 66 |
John Jacks | 85 |
You should know
- How to step through pseudocode
- How to write some simple SQL queries using: – avg, max, where
Lecture 4 - January 11th, 2017
Select *
is shorthand for “select all of the columns of the table”.
can be viewed as a wild card.
select * from grades where crn = 23456 and grade > 50;
select count(*)
will return the number of rows returned. (Important for assignment 1).
select * from grades order by stud_name;
will order the entries.
select * from grades order by grade desc;
will sort by descending order.
Question: Create a list of student names for Turing’s class, ordered by name?
select stud_name from grades where prof_name = Turing order by stud_name;
You should know
- How to step through pseudocode
- How to write some simple SQL queries using:
- avg
- max
- where
- select *
- select count(*)
- order by
More Pseudocode Practice
Question: Write a query to print phone number of a person if it exists in the table
input: name_in
holds the name we look for
name | number |
Joe | 472-5700 |
Leo | 472-5702 |
Sara | 472-5701 |
Step1 i=1
Step2 found=NO
Step3 while i =< #rows in table do Step4-7
Step4 if name in row i is name_in do Step5&6
Step5 print number in row i
Step6 found=YES
Step7 i= i+1
Step8 if found = NO do Step9
Step9 print "no such person in directory."
Inefficiency, if you find the name and it's the first one in the table, the while loop will still run.
Step1 i=1
Step2 found=NO
Step3 while i =< #rows in table AND found = NO do Step4-7
Step4 if name in row i is name_in do Step5&6
Step5 print number in row i
Step6 found=YES
Step7 i= i+1
Step8 if found = NO do Step9
Step9 print "no such person in directory."
name_in = "Leo"
found = NO
rows# = 3
i = 2
found = YES
i = 3
Exit while loop
select number from phone_numbers where name = "Leo";
- will be the query.
Collatz Conjecture
- Pick a number.
- If it’s even, divide by two
- If odd multiply by three and add one
- Repeat
- Stop if the number is 1
Question: Write this in Pseudocode
Bonus: Of Interest
- No one knows if there’s a number for which the collatz conjecture will not terminate
- Has been checked for all numbers up to 260 – All of which do terminate at 1
inpurt num+in (number to test)
if num_in < 1
print "error, bad number" Exit
cur_num = num_in
while cur_num is not 1
if cur_num is even do
divide by 2
else if cur_num is odd do
cur_num X 3 + 1
num_in = 4
cur_num = 4
cur_num = 2
cur_num = 1
Exit while loop
num_in = 5
cur_num = 5
cur_num = 16
cur_num = 8
cur_num = 4
cur_num = 2
cur_num = 1
Exit while loop